On Friday, March 18th, 2016, the 23rd kidney transplant was successfully performed in the University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska.A transplant patient was K.Z. (born in 1982) and a donor was a mother K.M. (born in 1962). The biggest part of preoperative preparation of patients was carried out by our physicians at the Department of Nephrology of the Internal Medicine Clinic. During the preparation of transplantation, video conferencing was used in communication with the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. It included joint discussion on medical documentation and making the decision on conducting the procedure.
The first transplant was performed more than five years ago in the UCC RS with the assistance of the Team from the Military Medical Academy Belgrade that was also involved in the education of our personnel. Up to now, all the transplants were performed without any complications.
The surgical procedure was performed by the standard Transplant Team of the UCC RS under the supervision of doctors from the Military Medical Academy Belgrade. Accordingly, we confirmed our readiness to stand on an equal footing with the reputable institutions in the region.