Clinic deals with primary, secondary and tertiary health care for women. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics is the holder of the strategic project of great importance for inhabitants of Republic of Srpska, the screening project on high risk types of human papillomavirus, which will be implemented throughout the territory of the Republic of Srpska. Within the clinic is recently opened Gynecological Polyclinic, which consists of day hospitals, citology laboratory, clinics for gynecology and obstetrics clinics, clinics for the “small” interventions and cabinet for a complete diagnostic ultrasound. In the future we will strive to master the modern assisted reproductive techniques, modern approach to urology and gynecologyproblems and complex surgery laparaskopskom.
It consists of four departments:
- Department of maternity with babies and neonatalogijom
- Department of Gynecology operating with operating rooms, intensive care, sterilization and aseptorom
- Perinatology Department
- Oncological Department with cytologic laboratory